Thursday 6 June 2013

Live Review: Sleeping With Sirens at Newcastle O2 Academy 05/21/13

I remember last year when barely anybody listened to Sleeping With Sirens. Now, they’re probably the most annoying band from the hard rock scene. This is of course is not really their fault, but they tend to be a gateway band for young kids just starting to get into heavier music. This was obviously a massive problem when seeing them live.

The collective scream as Kellin Quinn walks on stage is excruciating, but unfortunately the hype soon dies down as the band opens with new song These Things I’ve Done which no one has ever heard before. Playing a new song at a show is always a bit of a risk, and Sleeping With Sirens just don’t pull it off; it feels like a massive anti-climax as it’s difficult to jump around to a beat you’re unfamiliar with and a bit awkward when nobody in the crowd knows the words. Opening with this song was definitely a mistake, but luckily they soon pick up the pace by playing heavy track With Ears To See and Eyes To Hear second that easily gets the whole crowd moving and forgiving the mediocre beginning.

Other than the weak start, the remainder of the setlist is very satisfying, if a little short. They play crowd favourites If I’m James Dean, You’re Audrey Hepburn and A Trophy Father’s Trophy Son, that Kellin states is “for anyone in the audience whose mother of father was never there for them”, to which everyone cheers (because, you know, all these angsty teenagers’ parents who paid for their tickets just don’t understand them). Kellin and guitarist Jesse Lawson also put on an enjoyable acoustic performance of Don’t Fall Asleep At The Helm, an interesting choice that turns out to be very pleasant live as the combination of Kellin’s high vocals and those of the young crowd singing “all that I know is gone” is somewhat angelic.

Indeed, Kellin’s vocal range is incredible, and more importantly, he himself knows it. Unfortunately, this makes his stage persona a little bit of an egomaniac. The show is spoiled by his constant bragging about "everyone knowing the words" or how "big the new record is going to be" and his random burts of "oooohhhwoaaah"s in between songs that make the whole thing feel a bit High School Musical. Yes, confidence is attractive, but if you aren't a hormonal teenage girl this attitude will likely just irritate you.

The band ends the night with If You Can't Hang, a wise choice as this catchy song gets everyone jumping and shouting again after the calm, acoustic performance and leaves an exciting atmosphere and an odd desire for more despite the negative aspects. Sleeping With Sirens put on a good show tonight, especially considering this is their first time headlining a UK tour, but there are definitely areas for improvement next time around.

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